The State of California has been going door-to-door,
canvassing specific areas over the last month. Why is
this a good thing?
1) Catch people who are not reporting sales and/or
paying tax.
2) Makes the playing field even between businesses.
Seven teams located throughout the state will conduct
door-to-door visits to all non-residential businesses based on zip
codes. At each visit, SCOP specialists will:
Identify themselves and show identification,
Check for a seller's permit and other required fee
permits and licenses,
Review license/permit to verify that it is updated
with the correct information,
Review if the business is reporting its sales and use
taxes properly,
Provide information and assistance to the business
owner on sales and use tax reporting responsibilities, and
Answer owner's questions.
If they find fault, it becomes a domino
effect; their findings result in the Board of Equalization
taking action that then leads to notification to the IRS.
What can you do to avoid
problems with your Sales Tax?
Bear in mind that this does not affect those of
us that have been doing the right thing all along.
Honesty is the best policy.
To read the News Release and further information,
visit their website at: